Amsterdam canal houses

Amsterdam canal houses

Back in April this year, we went and stayed in Amsterdam for a few days. We were at the Hotel Pulitzer on Prinsengracht – although our room overlooked Keizersgracht at the rear of the hotel – and one of our pastimes was to look at the canal houses, which ones we liked, which ones not so much. On the last day we were there, I suddenly decided that I should photograph a whole bunch of them as we walked around, and create a collage of the best houses. Of course, it was that day it decided to rain.

Collage of Amsterdam Canal Houses

So, I’d have to say, not altogether successful. I did manage to capture some of the different crenellations, and in some of them you can see the rope still dangling from when the merchandise was stored on the top floor of these merchant houses. (And obviously on that day the people in Amsterdam brought out their black hatchbacks to celebrate.)

Album cover for The Belly of an ArchitectNow playing:
Mertens, Wim - Close Cover
(from The Belly of an Architect)

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1 Response

#1 Jeroen Pluimers said...
29-Jul-14 12:24 AM

I love that none of houses being level (:

Next time give us a call, we've a big guest bed room and are about 30-45 minutes by tram 1 from various parts of Amsterdam city centre.

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