Posts tagged with 'rtf'

Pasting code from VS into WLW, part 2

Last time in this two-parter, I laid down the basics of the RTF I followed in pasting code from VS to WLW, and some of the helper classes I started off with. This time, we'll look at the parser and the various tricks I used to make sure that the translated HTML was valid and produced the correct look for the code in a web page. […]


Pasting code from Visual Studio into Windows Live Writer

Way back in January this year, I briefly explained how I was pasting code into my blog posts so that they were displayed fully syntax-highlighted. At the time I said I'd explain how the underlying parser works, but never got round to it. Well, it's the Friday after Thanksgiving (so-called Black Friday), and I'm feeling voluble. Besides my colleague Mehul Harry just asked me on Twitter how I did it. […]